Thank you for keeping up with Tony's status as he was battling cancer.

If you have questions to ask, add a comment to the blog, and I will be notified by email. Be sure to include your email in your comment so I can respond.

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Friday, July 31, 2009

Still doing well

He still feels a little nauseous with the chemo medicine, but the new anti-nausea medicine knocks it down enough that he can sleep and doesn't get sick.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Keep up the prayers. He is doing great this week. He hasn't gotten sick and has barely felt ill at all.

There may be a pattern that Tony recognized just the day before pills this week. The two weeks he didn't get sick were in Arkansas and London when he was drinking bottled water. The two weeks he did get sick were at home drinking well water. So we tried having him drink bottled water here at home, and so far so good.

Prayers or water or both...we will take whatever works.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Chemo week starts tonight

Tonight he takes his first chemo pill of the week. Let's pray that he can avoid getting sick from it this time.

Even the previous bald spots appear to have hair, and the blond spots are starting to turn to his normal brown.

His neurologist says he is doing very well, and just wants to see him twice a year. This doctor read the last MRI results, and agrees that the 'hot' spots that showed up are just signs of the radiation damage healing around the tumor area. So that is two doctors say the MRI is good and one radiologist that pointed out concerns. I vote for the doctors to be right.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Chemo next week

His blood work this week came back good, so he is cleared to do another week of chemo pills next week. He has lost 20 pounds from his peak weight, but is still 10 pounds above his pre-surgery weight. He looks good at this weight, so I kind of hope he keeps the 10 pounds.

He went bowling with friends last night, and plans a road trip this weekend. He is feeling good.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Back from Camp

He is back from camp. He had a great time and apparently participated fully in all the events (shaving cream war, water balloon fight, volleyball, ...everything). He sounds energetic, and his hair is starting to fill in nicely.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Back to camp

He left for another week of church camp. He says he feels less tired now that he is nearly completely ramped off the Dilantin. He only has a week or two left before is off it completely and only on Keppra.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Back from camp. Tired but not too much.

He is back from church camp. He was obviously tired, but so is everyone after being a counselor for 4th-6th graders for a week. His only talk was the normal highlights and travails of camp, so there apparently were not any problems with medications.

He will rest up today, and go back to camp next week. This week he will be in charge of recreation events and equipment. The job isn't nearly as demanding as a counselor job, so he is looking forward to a much less tiring week.

Monday, July 6, 2009

He is at church camp this week

He is a counselor at church camp this week. I probably won't hear any news on him until Friday or Saturday. The campers are 4th-6th grade. He has been feeling good with the new anti-nausea medicine.

He has hair growing back just about everywhere now. He got a haircut hoping it will come in fairly uniform this time.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

He is doing good now

He is feeling great today. He slept well last night, and the new anti-nausea drug (Zofran) is doing good...not to mention a few helpful prayers. He is getting ready to go out to church camp for the evening.

Thank you.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Feeling better

He is feeling better this afternoon/evening. He hasn't had to take his anti-nausea medicine since 4:30 AM, so that means things are settling down.

MRI Results OK, but a rough week

The MRI results appear to be good. The radiologist thinks there may be something growing around the edges of the tumor site, but the doctor says it always looks that way at this point in the healing process. He says the MRI is showing that healing is taking place.

This has been a rough week medicine-wise. This is his week for chemo this month, and he was really sick Monday and pretty sick last night. This is the third round of treatment, and we were warned that it can get rougher each additional round.

Thanks for your prayers...there is plenty to pray for.